The last of us part 2 abby full#
The room is full of infected, but you can open the door and hit them with a molotov since they’re so closely grouped together. The room with the safe is across the street behind the store in an alley, blocked with a dumpster. Inside the back room of this bar, there’s a note with a combination. Number seven is during Day 2 in the Hillcrest chapter. Inside this room there’s crafting materials, supplements, and ammo.
The last of us part 2 abby code#
You’ll see a note that says “get me a soda and the code is yours.” If you break the glass on the vending machine, there’s a soda can with this note. Past this sign that says Station Access, you’ll come into a room with a combination lock door. Number six is in The Tunnels chapter of Day 1. Inside this safe you’ll find ammo, a medkit, and crafting supplies. Be careful, as there’s a legless clicker in the room here. Behind you in the bathroom this is written on the wall. It says the safe combination is the last six digits of Staci’s phone number. In the thrift store, you’ll find this note. Number five is found in the Capitol Hill chapter of Day 1. You’ll find parts, supplements, ammo and crafting materials. The safe is under the window and that combination is 86 07 22. At the bottom of this stairwell in the courthouse, break the glass, and you’ll see the combination inside this room on the wall. Number four is our last combination for the Seattle Day 1 Downtown chapter. You’ll get some parts, supplements, ammo, a medkit, and a trading card. We’re still in Seattle Day 1, Downtown You’ll see graffiti telling you to use the gate code, and when you check the list of gate codes from earlier, you’ll see this combination is 04 51. Our third combination is for the safe at Gate West 2. There’s also a ring inside a safety deposit box. There’s a new weapon here, the shotgun, so it’s really essential. You should find a note closeby with a diagram of the bank and the combination, 60 23 06. The second combination is for the bank vault in Seattle Day 1, during the Downtown chapter.

You’ll find parts, crafting materials, and supplements Day 1 – Downtown #1 – Bank: There’s a note on the table here that says the combination is the date “my good boy got employee of the month.” When you notice the dog photos on the table, you can go back to this wall and see that the dog got employee of the month in July 2013, so that’s 07 20 13.

This is in the Patrol chapter of the Jackson prologue.